Tuesday 2 September 2014

100 Days of Modi Government: His Top 10 Quotes

1. If you work 12 hours, I will work 13. If you work 14 hours, I will work 15 hours, because I am not Pradhan Mantri (Prime Minister) I am the Pradhan Sewak (prime servant).

2.From ramparts of the Red Fort, I would like to call people of the world to 'come, make in India'. Come here and manufacture in India. Sell the products anywhere in the world but manufacture here.

3.Our heads hang in shame when we hear about rapes. Parents ask about daughters but did anyone dare ask their sons. After all, the rapist is someone's son. As parents, have we asked our sons where he is going? Why not put same yardstick for sons too?

4.If we want to get rid of poverty, we need to get rid of financial untouchability. - (Launch of the Jan Dhan Yojana to help provide bank accounts to all Indians)

5.The mantra of our country's youth should be to at least make one product that we import. Don't compromise in manufacturing. Stress on zero defect, zero effect.

6.(To industrialists in Japan) The red carpet, not red tape awaits you. As software is incomplete without hardware, India needs Japan.

7.I was asked, 'Does black magic still exist in India or are there still snake charmers?' I said we used to play with snakes, now we play with the mouse. When we move a mouse the whole world moves.

8.I am a very optimistic man and only an optimistic man can bring optimism in the country.
I believe the government has no business to do business.

9. (I believe in) minimum government, maximum governance.

10.Being a Gujarati, money is in my blood...commerce is in my blood. Businesses do not need concessions. They only need the correct environment to flourish in. (In Japan)

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